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Subscribe to this blog feedBlog powered by TypePad ' Carlos Kleiber, New Yorker reader |Main | New world WallCast» to Milton Babbitt
Are immensely sad to hear that Milton Babbitt, maverick music American mathematicians, who died in Princeton this morning, at the age of four. There is much to say about his place in music history of the twentieth century; I have written extensively on these issues, and I am a comment in an upcoming issue of The New Yorker. But the day he died, I remembered, especially as a human being perfectly unique — a brilliant raconteur, a humorous wit, a man who seemed to bring an entire century in his mind steel-trap. (2001 Frank Oteri's interview on NewMusicBox gives a good indication of its talk). Over the years I've spent about three hours in his company, starting from when she visited my college radio station in 1988, and savor every moment, whether the topic was Schoenberg, Broadway, baseball or beers. I hope that doesn't look too irreverent to commemorate his death with the version of The Bad Plus-Simple changes (read about the background here), but I was told that he did get to see the video Babbitt and professed to enjoy. Goodbye, Milton! You will not be forgotten, and your music will thrive in unexpected ways.
January 29, 2011 | PermalinkAboutBioNew Yorker writing

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