Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sevens:: Sleater-Kinney – Modern Girl

(Sevens, a recurring feature on Aquarium drunkard, pays tribute to the art of single track).

There comes a time "Girl of Sleater-Kinney modern" where the music and the lyrics begin to coalesce into ways that rarely seen in popular music. But relies on a lyrical thread that builds from the opening of the song.

Melodic, sing-songy structure lyrics openly embraces its start simple sound. "My baby loves me/I'm so happy/happiness makes me a modern girl". Carrie Brownstein and Diana Schutz the Narrator seems to openly allegro, his joy is based on acceptance of her lover, a happiness considered essential to its identity. You buy a television that says "brings me closer to the world," but this disconnect from the world – "" approach to it looking through another degree of separation – is the lyrical theme that unites the verses.

A constant is that "my baby loves me", but it does not prevent you hungry ("hunger makes me a modern girl") and buy a ring that she claims has a hole the size of the whole world ". But this misconception of the size of the world comes from within the self-focused view of a culture where romantic love defines a woman. The world is the size of the screen of a television. Or a doughnut hole – an element implicitly denied our Narrator in a world-oriented image where the type and size of the body of a woman. So, a constant state of self-imposed starvation also defines its modernity, a point driven home by the media, the lens through which she views the world.

At this point in the song, the music starts to deform. When the battery type, levels of huge audio push red, distorting narrator's voice and music in a veil of static. This is the noise of the modern world, self-destructive that hinder the narrator's voice? Is the narrator's interior monologue, facing implosion, shouting in slowly building the social frustration over the limitations imposed on you?

"My baby loves me/I'm so angry/anger me a modern girl". Anger becomes an integral part of modern ' girl ': anger at the reductivist world its permission; anger by definition is limited to cars available to you; anger towards the achievement of its inability to buy something important ("I took my money/I couldn't buy nothin'."), the power is allowed at regular intervals. And it is here that the theme of the song meets in its closing lines. "My whole life was like a photo of a sunny day." The themes of separation, of perception rather than reality, are crashing together in this one image: an image – cold and static – a life that should be anything but. words/j. neas

MP3 says: Sleater-Kinney:: modern girl

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