Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sat Eye Candy: Tangerine Dream


Tangerine Dream of Germany are one of the least controlled name-yet most pervasively influential bands of the late twentieth century. Without their pioneering work in the 1970s, alongside kindred spirits like can and Faust, it is difficult to imagine STS9, Lotus and many of today's emerging acts livetronica venerated. Tangerine Dream injected hemoglobin modernist, a ghost sounds of breathing in the nascent world machine around them. What helped get continuous rotation in a fresh generation now hungry for the same kind of interface with the entire world. Today is the birthday of Peter baumann, a member of the core of Tangerine Dream during their heyday to-mid-seventies 58A. Baumann has also started the music label New Age private music popular in the 1980s. We offer our best wishes for good and have a few fragments of this band in their first reference. (Dennis Cook)

If this doesn't give you a big ol' boner analog keyboard do not know what!

From meditative to positively ferocious running this version of "Ricochet".

And here's a clip of study of the piece itself.

A strange, alien elegance clings to pieces like this.

This performance before Baumann join the IM group, but is just too sweet a time not to share. There were people apparently freaky everywhere in 1969.

Another video of the band's peculiar first pleasantly taken since 1971. All in truth screams, "art"!

In the 1980s, Tangerine Dream achieved much wider recognition worldwide, particularly in the United States where he travelled widely and provided music for a number of movies. Here's a rare clips of the band in the late 1980s that encapsulates their fresh approach in that decade.

We conclude with a few cuts soloist Baumann, including his less hit pop, New Wave.

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