We all know that guitar players and pianists play, but players of guitar strings low use? Yes--but differently!
Since the bass play usually just one note at a time, bassist usually plays chords in the same way--one note at a time. Why is it important for you to know the strings themselves using the guitarist? Because bass guitar parts are mainly consist of notes in the agreement that plays from the rest of the band.
Below, you will find a free chart of Major chords on bass guitar. In case you haven't yet read notes guitar bass, I have included easy to read tablature.
Here's the chart. If you want to print, simply right-click the image, choose "save image as", save it to your desktop and then print it.

You should store the ropes. Note that for each string, the model is the same for all the strings. If you know the names of the notes of the bass guitar, you can only store each of the two models and then start the note that has the same name as the string that you want to play.
** You can practicing these agreements with a metronome. Simply set the metronome for about 60 bpm begin and play a note in a bar across the whole range of agreements on a string. Then you can gradually increase the speed of the metronome.
** Once you have mastered these agreements, are you ready for smaller Bass Guitar Chords
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